Business Blogging

A few months back I wrote about Blogging for your business, what is known as CEO blogging. This is where the internal voice of the company, the day to day successes and the behind the scenes talk happen in an interactive forum. The blog is usually connected to the main website at an address like or even It is connected so that the views know that there is some real authority to the conversation and that the viewer has access to a person that can really hear what they have to say. I don’t believe that the CEO should be the one to blog unless you have a media department to support them. Just because they are the head of the organization, does not make them the best person on the team to blog. Publishing a blog may be may be foreign and untested technology; Once you press publish, it’s out there for the world to see.

But I am a huge proponent for each company having a public web persona and a blog personality that gets regular updates from within the organization. It humanizes you.
And gives you virtually unrestricted access to your audience. Take a look at the Whole Foods Blog, in which the CEO discusses how some regulatory issues about their business have required him to keep quite for now. Go back a few months to see how prolific he was in communicating with the public.

Some Business CEO Blogs Include –

Jonathan Schwartz of Sun Microssystems.
Bill Marriott – Marriott Hotels

David Neeleman of JetBlue

Some quick business blogging tips:
Provide content – Don’t simply repost what other are saying, be the site that provides real content and real unique information. This information may be on your business, your industry or some other area in which you are specifically qualified to write about.
Keep it simple – Keep the blog site simple, there is no need to experiment with the latest and greatest in blogging software. Do your readers really have to see what the weather is in their home town? They can look outside for this, what they came here for is some insight that they cant get anywhere else.
Define what your prospective readers are looking for and stay on topic. Remember the goal is to educate and inform not necessarily to sell products. Web users are savvy, don’t try to trick them.
Integration – As mentioned before, keep the blog tied to your primary business site. It add creditability and makes it a whole lot easier for people to create a brand loyalty to you and your company.
Post 2-3 times a week on industry specific topics or issues related to your business. You need to build some initial momentum, once your traffic and feedback increase you will figure out just how often you need to blog in order to stay relevant to your customers.
Promote Promote Promote – The power of blogging is the active feedback from your customers. Put your blog and your website out there, blogging is not just a lead generation tool but it is really the way to build brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Don’t worry about the traffic to your site. It will be very low for a while, but by staying relevant to your customers and on topic the people who are interested will find you.

By enabling the comments on your blog you are creating an open forum for people to discuss, praise or criticize your company. Make sure that you require an email address for people that post, but you will take some bruises along the way. Its not all glamorous.

What does it take to start?
Also blogging should be FREE, there may be a few dollars spent on a template or some intital setup with your ISP but the barrier to entry is minimal. I would say that your budget to blogging should be less than $250 and it should take no more than a week to go from the “I’m going to do this stage” all the way through to the email to your customer telling them to “see my new blog”.

I challenge each and every one of you to have a personal or business blog set up by the end of the year. It’s not that tough! Let me know if you need any help.

Profitable and productive blogging tips

This blog promises a series of posts on Tim Ferriss along with advice on profitable and productive blogging. Keep in touch at Cman’s Money Page – Profitable Productive Blogging – Make Money Online with Cman

Suitable for all ages

whether you are 25 or 65, irrespective of what profession you are into, this book is for you says Unleash Your Potential

Citywide WiFi Reality Sets In – The Economics Suck

In an article at they were talking about the “ambitious plans for big Wi-Fi networks to provide free or low-cost wireless Internet access are being abandoned or scaled back by US cities as the economics of the deals turn out to be more challenging than expected.”

From my perspective this was really bound to happen. There was just no way that providing free or low-cost broadband speed, reliable Internet access and allow of competitive access to the network while making money.

The technology is changing at such a rapid pace and “too many municipalities continue to focus on large, ambitious public wireless projects that have no clear path to profitability.”

WiFi for these large deployments is dead, the technology requires a density of hardware deployment that is not only unmanageable but also very difficult to scale. The promise of WiMAX or other widely deployed technology will probably usurp any citywide WiFi, the business models are just not complimentary to universal coverage.

Low information Diet Analysis

Interesting thoughts and observations on lifestyle design, low information diet captured at The New View From Object Towers : The Low Information Diet (Tim Ferriss)

Interesting thoughts from 4hww

Filter information massively o be ahead of the overload, its not just about not working but about changing the way you work, mastering life is about learning to make use of thye 24hrs available and more thoughts based on 4hww at Mastering Life NOW!: How much time?

Don’t Tase Me, Bro!

Let me start by saying that I am by no means an active political or social advocate but this is just unreasonable. I am breaking the TechTalk tradition for this week and I am going to share with you one of the most disturbing events of the past few days. It is actually the most horrific commentary about our society that has been recorded since the Rodney King riot videos and the truck driver who was dragged from his vehicle.

For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about it is the arrest and tasering of Andrew Meyer, a University of Florida student. Meyer was verbally harranging Massachusetts senator John Kerry during a campus talk; he was at the microphone and would not listen to the forum moderators. He refused to back down from his critical questioning of Kerry and after a few moments the police hauled him off. They forced him to the ground, and tasered him.

Based on the numerous video accounts, he was complying with the request and even offered to leave and walk out on his own. The officers forced him to the ground and into handcuffs. Since when we became a society that responds to long winded questions at town hall meeting even if they are long winded or inappropriate with a taser? Where would our country be without the ability to protest? The most disturbing thing for me honestly was not the tasing itself but the fact that crowd just sat there. These are college aged kids, they are our canaries in the coal mine; If college aged people just sit back and allow this to happen, where do we go from here?

The technology slant on this email is, whether the user of this technology is actually justified? A few years ago, he would have simply been subdued, restrained, cuffed and removed from the property by a well trained police officer. The warring aspect here is just how trigger happy we have actually become. Has technology become a substitute for good judgment? I can appreciate that a calculator or a computer takes some of the burden off of us when working on complex issues, but to rely on technology as our sole remediation seems a little ridiculous. We can all do simple math in our head and the authorities should be able to handle a simple disturbance without resorting to an immobilizing technology.

What is it that we as a society find to be acceptable? What are out limits? Are we at the beginings of a cultural revolution? There are even T-Shirts that have been printed about this, with the slogan Dont Tase Me Bro

Amnesty International has been documenting the misuse of tasers for some time; you can find more information.

Amnesty International – Suspend Use of TASERs

For more information about wide spread taser abuse:

Interview part 2

Get part 2 of Tim Ferriss’s online interview at Kauffman eVenturing: The Four Hour Workweek, by Timothy Ferriss.* Audio Interview Part II.

Deferrers, stop saving, start living!!

Ok, so you work hard in your youth and save for retirement. What do you do after retirement? Specially after you are too old to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Isnt it better to live in this moment, in the here and now? More to ponder on at The Great Office Escape » Blog Archive » Why Saving for Retirement is a Bad Idea

Links from the 4HWW

Fantastic Resource for the 4 Hour Work Week Reader. A huge list of links from the book can be found at Tom Printy’s Blog

Each moment has an opportunity cost

Each moment has an opportunity cost. Quite a provoking thought. If we think about it, we will see that lots of things we do not prefer to do can be replaced with others that add quality to that moment. More interetsing reading at Kavit Haria’s Blog » What’s the cost of your every moment?

Entrepreneurs hear, Boredom is Failure

If you are a entrepreneur with an urge to create something new all the time and if you believe that intellectual stimulation is the way to realizing self-actualization needs, here is someone who agrees at that boredom is the death of all ambition.» Blog Archive » Entrepreneurs and Boredom

Outsourcing is the next most happening thing

This is a loooong blog on outsourcing. You actually begin thinking of what are all those things that you can outsource almost immediately. Read this interetsing blog at Me, Myself and My World: Offshoring: At your beck and call

The 4HWW Book Reviewed

A great review; Most of the ideas from 4hww have been covered and analyzed well at Scott H Young » The 4-Hour Workweek

The outsourcing advantage

No, we shouldn’t see outsourcing as competition. We should see outsourcing as the availability of people who do things cheaper and better than ourselves. Andrew Dubber learnt to take advantage of this fact and got the necessary backing from 4hww. Outsourcing at New Music Strategies

LIP – the parallel concept to 4hww

Yes, LIP sounds parallel to the 4hww. If you want to check out which is better, do so at
The Life Of A Location Independent Professional: Not The 4-Hour Work Week

ONE selfish reason needed to become rich

Its exciting! Envy of other people’s money is not enough. Curiosity of what they are doing is not enough. To become RICH, you need to have a strong, selfish reason. Something that’s close to your heart even if others may find it weird. Every 4hww devotee will like this blog on ‘Becoming Rich’ by Mark Ijlal at Michigan Foreclosure Report: How do you become rich? In this lifetime? In Michigan? A politically incorrect guide by Mark Ijlal

Tim Ferriss highly acclaimed at this blog

Whether you are an overworked employee or an entrepreneur trapped in your own business, this book is the compass for a new and revolutionary world says Cup of Joe Photo: The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

Here’s calling all 4hww followers

Work is not just to shake the boss off the back. Results are not be measured by the number fo hours you put in, but how much you produce. More at…k-by-tim-ferri

All of you also have been reading, hearing a lot about Tim Ferriss and the 4hww. Why dont we all pitch in with news about 4hww here. Am sure every faithful follower of this forum will find info useful.

Powerful thinking that fuels new perspectives

4hww pushes you into a powerful way of thinking about things, subjects you to stirring questions that throw open possibilities at Tumblelog