Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse – Day 10

I screwed up so badly! Today is the 10th day and I get to eat meat on the 11th day.  I am a little pissed actually I had been living into the future where I was going to be eating fish.

Depressed but feeling fine.

Welcome to Day 10 of the Purification Program.

If you are planning on introducing lean protein such as chicken or fish into your purification program, you are only one day away.  At this point most people can’t wait!  So that you can plan your shopping, remember, you should choose organic, free-range, antibiotic-free and hormone-free protein sources if possible.  Things to be avoided are cured, smoked or luncheon meats.

How Should I Feel Today?

The main thing you are probably feeling today is a craving for meat.  Other than that, you should be feeling strong and energetic.  This is an important day, as you should be feeling good before you begin to reintroduce meat into your diet.  If you do not feel like your energy has returned, speak with your health care professional before reintroducing meat tomorrow.

Weight Loss

As you progress through this program, you may desire to add additional weight loss support products.  You can do this during the purification program or afterwards.  These products are available from Julie.  Finally, today we are discussing the third body type.

If your weight is primarily in your hips and butt, this is a problem with ovaries in women and testicles in men and is an indication of estrogen dominance.

Women, discuss the following protocol with Julie.

Chaste Tree 2 tablets in the morning (only do this if you still have your ovaries)
Ovex P 2 tablets twice per day
Flax Seed Oil 1 tablespoon per day
Reminder: Eat lots of cruciferous vegetables!

Men, discuss the following protocol with Julie.  Please also note that in addition to the weight in your hips and butt, you will most likely also exhibit weight in your belly.

Cruciferous Complete 4 capsules per day
LivaPlex 4 capsules per day
Symplex M 4 tablets per day
Whole Food Fiber 2 level tablespoons per day
Tribulus 1 tablet per 50 pounds of body weight (i.e. 4 tablets for a 200lb man)
Linum B6 4 perles per day (if you prefer to add it to your shake, use Flax Seed Oil)
Flax Seed Oil 1 tablespoon per day (if you prefer pills, use Linum B6)


If you are going to be introducing lean protein during this purification, remember that you do this tomorrow (on day 11), not today (a common misunderstanding).

Recipe of the Day

Bachelor Portobello Mushroom


Portobello Mushroom
Garlic/Olive Oil Crushed
Butter, organic
Marinara Sauce (you can use the recipe from Day 2)
Tip: If you want to buy sauce instead of making it, look for a brand that has no sugar, high fructose corn syrup, “Natural Flavors”, etc…  (It must be just tomatoes, garlic, onions, salt, water, etc…)  Copollo Brand is an example of a ‘clean’ sauce.


1. Medium Heat- Portobello Mushroom in pan for 5 minutes per side.
2. Add Marinara Sauce over Mushroom in pan and put over low heat for a couple of minutes.

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.

Supplement Regimen for Day 10


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Green Food 5 capsules 2 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Julie for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema – 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil – 2 perles 2 times per day

One more day until the reintroduction of meat!

Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse – Day 9

Day 9 and feeling amazingly well. Yoga has been getting better and I have really happy, I weighed myself again today and I have lost another 3 pounds – this is good.  I have also been able to fit into clothing that I have not worn about 4 years!

Feeling great, but I want meat tomorrow.

Day 9 – Lunch

Did you know the first recorded case of Myocardial infarction (Heart Attack due to clogging of the arteries) was in 1928 in the US?  What do you suppose people ate back before the 1920’s?  Well, they ate butter, lard, eggs, meat and so on.  What they didn’t eat was margarine, corn oil, processed sugar, bleached wheat and pasteurized dairy.  To top it off, they got quite a bit of exercise just going about their normal routine.

Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases are all skyrocketing today.  Of course stress is a major contributor to this, but we would do well to eat more like our ancestors and avoid the “bankrupt” foods being marketed to us today as ‘healthy’.  It is less expensive to eat well and certainly lends to greater health.

As always, be skeptical and do your own research.  This is the only way to truly feel comfortable about ignoring ‘trends’ and sticking to the basics.

How Should I Feel Today?

There are usually no major developments around day 9.  You should basically be feeling the same way you have for the past few days and probably will for the next few days.

Weight Loss

As you progress through this program, you may desire to add additional weight loss support products.  You can do this during the purification program or afterwards.  These products are available from your health care provider.  Continuing on from our discussion yesterday, today we discuss the second body type.

If your weight is primarily in your belly (i.e. it sags over your waist), is on your shoulders, or you have a ‘buffalo hump’ you are most likely experiencing adrenal weakness.

Discuss the following protocol with your health care provider.

For Men:

Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex 2 tablets twice per day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon)

For Women:

Withania Complex 2 tablets twice per day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon)


Although it is best to make your shakes up fresh, you can also make a large enough batch to last you through the day.  Just make sure to keep it refrigerated, and remix it as needed before pouring.

Recipe of the Day

Saturday Vegetable Soup (Makes about 6 servings)


2 boxes Pacific Natural Foods brand Organic Vegetable Broth (8 cups)
1 – 16 oz. bag 365 Organic brand frozen organic vegetable blend (includes broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, green bean, & bell pepper)
1 – 10 oz. bag Cascadian Farm Organic brand frozen Chinese-style stir-fry blend (includes green beans, broccoli, carrots, red peppers, onions, mushrooms, & bamboo shoots)
4 cloves of organic garlic, minced (optional)
1/2 large organic onion, diced
1/2 organic green pepper, diced
1 bunch organic celery, diced
4 tbsp. organic, unsalted butter
Sea salt or Herbamare


1. Chop up the onion, green pepper and celery.  Set aside in a bowl.
2. In a large skillet, place butter over medium/high stove and heat until completely melted.
3. Add the chopped onion, green pepper, and celery and sauté until soft.
4. Sprinkle sea salt over the contents to taste.
5. Stir in a splash of vegetable broth and lower heat to simmer.
6. In a large slow cooker, add both bags of frozen vegetables.
7. Pour 1 box of vegetable broth over the frozen vegetables (don’t worry that the broth doesn’t completely cover the vegetables).
8. Add the contents of the skillet to the slow cooker.
9. Pour in the remaining box of vegetable broth.
10. Set the slow cooker to high stirring occasionally.
11. Cook for about 2 hours or until vegetables are softened. DO NOT OVERCOOK

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about how you are feeling please remember that Julie is available throughout this program and can be contacted by phone at 760.598.2660.

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.  She can be contacted at [email protected].

Supplement Regimen for Day 9


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Green Food 5 capsules 2 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Julie for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema – 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil – 2 perles 2 times per day

Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse – Day 8

Not much to add today – feeling about the same, but the food is getting BORING.  Two more days and I can add cooked animal protein.  I am going to be having fish for breakfast – steamed and I can’t get it out of my mind at all.

I want MEAT.

Day 8 – Lunch

Welcome to Day 8 of the Purification Program.

Congratulations!  You are done with the SP Cleanse capsules.  Well, technically you should have 3 capsules leftover (go ahead and take those this morning).  If you have more than that leftover, you probably just missed taking them at some point.  Not to worry.  Keep taking the SP Cleanse (7 capsules 3 times per day) until you have finished the bottle.  However, you should also introduce the SP Green Food starting today as indicated in the Supplement Regimen section below.

How Should I Feel Today?

After 1 week on the program, you should be feeling good.  You should not be hungry or feel like you don’t have any energy.  If you do, you are most likely not eating enough vegetables during the day.  Also remember that you can do up to 5 shakes a day.  A key point to remember is that as long as you are eating healthy vegetables, you can eat as much as you want, so you should not feel hungry.

Weight Loss

As you progress through this program, you may desire to add additional weight loss support products.  You can do this during the purification program or afterwards.  These products are available from Julie.  Today we start a series of tips on what products to take for your body shape.

If your weight is generalized and you are heavy all over (typical hypothyroidism), the thyroid is most likely your weak endocrine gland.  Discuss the following protocol with Julie.

Coleus Forte 1 tablet three times daily
Prolamine Iodine 3 tablets per day
Thyroid Complex 1 tablet three times daily


If you have trouble taking all of the capsules each day you can try mixing them in with your shakes.  The first 7 days this makes for a bit of an intense shake (mainly due to the cayenne in the SP Cleanse), however now that you have completed those, you might consider this if taking the pills is difficult for you.

Recipe of the Day

Ginger Lemonade

This is a perfect pick-me-up beverage if you feel hungry or tired.


2 inches fresh ginger root
3 lemons
2 quarts of water
Stevia to taste


1. Wash and peel the ginger root.
2. Grate it finely over a bowl.
3. Squeeze the grated ginger mash with your fingers to extract the juice.  Discard the dry mash.
4. Bring water to a boil.
5. Remove from heat and add ginger and juice of 3 lemons.
6. Add Stevia and stir well.
7. Drink hot or chill for iced ginger lemonade by adding ice cubes and a fresh slice of lemon.

Don’t forget the new protocol today!

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.

Supplement Regimen for Day 8


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Green Food 5 capsules 2 times per day – NEW
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Julie for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema – 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil – 2 perles 2 times per day

Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse – Day 5

I have not had any cravings at all thus far, not for meat nor for sweets and pasta.  Went for  a colon cleanse today at San Diego Colon Cleanse.  It is my first ever and although not part of the Standard Process formula I have been told that one of the biggest reasons that people fail is that they detoxify to quickly and the body needs to flush all of the toxins trapped in the colon.

And flush I did! I have never felt so filled and so emptied within just a few moments.  I recommend it to anyone – I feel great today and Julie is an amazing colon hydro-therapist.

I skipped lunch and only had a shake for breakfast today and for dinner I went to my parents and they had a salad for me!  Yay, this is the first 5 days down and I am sticking to it 100%

Tons of energy and I am eating so many new foods.

Welcome to Day 5 of the Purification Program.

Just a friendly reminder: corn is not a vegetable, it is a grain and there are no grains allowed on this program.

Also, remember that although something may be healthy (such as beans and nuts), it may not be allowed during the purification program due to other factors (such as potential food allergens).  So, with this in mind, remember: no beans or nuts of any kind.

How Should I Feel Today?

You should be feeling more energetic today and the cravings should continue decreasing.  Many have expressed that they have not only learned to ‘tolerate’ the shakes, but have even come to enjoy them.  Yes, yes, it’s true!

We mentioned yesterday that your sleep should be improving.  You should find that you are able to fall asleep easier, enjoy more restful sleep, and are able to sleep through the night more often.  The good news is that this should continue throughout the purification program and beyond (as long as you maintain some of your newly forming good habits).

Weight Loss

If you haven’t started exercising yet during this program, now is an excellent time to use some of your returning energy and start.  Remember, exercise is an essential part of losing weight during this program.


Don’t wait to get hungry.  Waiting increases cravings, lowers your blood sugar level and can lead to fatigue.  Try to have your SP Complete Shake with your Whey Protein first thing in the morning and keep some approved snack foods around to munch on to keep your blood sugar and energy levels up.

Recipe of the Day



2 Organic Avocados- peeled and mashed
1 clove minced garlic
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
½ chopped tomato (use less if diabetic)
1 tablespoon lemon juice


1. Mix all together thoroughly and put avocado seed back into bowl to prevent turning brown.
Tip: although you can’t have tortilla chips (always a favorite with this dip) you can enjoy a nice crudité with your guacamole by slicing up some raw vegetables (or using them whole if you prefer).  Whole cherry tomatoes, sliced carrots and celery are always favorites.

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.

Supplement Regimen for Day 5


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Cleanse 7 capsules 3 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.  Please consult with Julie for details and dosages.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema – 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil – 2 perles 2 times per day

Enjoy your increased energy and keep up the good work!

Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse – Day 4

Today was the best day that I have had so far, I am not feeling at all sluggish – but actually after my workout I am starting to get used to this.

One big note and suggestion is to cut all the veggies that you are going to use that day all in one session – it saves time and sets you up to have a snack if you need it.

I am feeling pretty great, at this point I think I have eaten more salad than I did in all of January.

Day 4 – Breakfast

Welcome to Day 4 of the Purification Program.

“Where the determination is, the way can be found.” – George S. Clason

How Should I Feel Today?

If you have been feeling rough the last couple of days we have great news for you.  Today should be the beginning of your ‘reward’ for embarking on this intense program of detoxification.  The average patient begins to feel more energetic and vigorous on day four.  If you have experienced headaches as your body has released toxins, these should lessen in intensity.  You should feel your energy beginning to return and surpass your ‘normal’ levels.  Many have stated that they begin to experience energy levels that they have not had for many years.  As a bonus, you should also find that you are beginning to sleep better at night.

One key point to remember is that everyone detoxifies differently.  Some experience headaches.  Some experience shoulder or back pain.  Some experience an upset stomach.  These experiences vary in intensity and duration, but most important to keep in mind is that it is all part of the process.  If you experience anything that concerns you, remember that your health care professional is available to discuss this with you.

Weight Loss

The more you sweat, the more you detoxify and lose weight.  Remember, this can be achieved through exercise, but can also be enhanced through the use of a sauna, steam room, etc.  Whatever you do, don’t try to fast, it can turn down your metabolism and in fact keep you from losing weight.


Make sure you are having 1-3 bowel movements each day during the program.  If not, make sure that you are drinking enough water.  Remember, you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Recipe of the Day

Vegetable Angel Hair Zucchini “Pasta”


3 zucchini
16 oz cherry tomatoes (very flavorful) or 1 lb. regular tomatoes
1/2 small white onion
A few fresh basil leaves
1 or 2 cloves of garlic
1 red, orange or yellow bell pepper (not green)
2 tsp. dried Italian spices or oregano, basil, salt & pepper
A little Olive Oil (optional)


1. Use a Spiral slicer to cut Zucchini into angel hair like strands.
2. Place all other items in a food processor or blender, and PULSE CHOP to obtain a “chunky” consistency.  We don’t recommend pureeing the mixture.
3. Pour sauce into a bowl and allow to “set” for 30 minutes to allow sauce to thicken.
4. Pour sauce over your Zucchini “pasta”.

Don’t forget to drink lots of water and sweat, sweat, sweat!

What if I have Questions?

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.

Supplement Regimen for Day 4


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Cleanse 7 capsules 3 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema – 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil – 2 perles 2 times per day

Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse – Day 1

Today is day 1 of the 21 day Standard Process cleanse – I am happy to be going through this with my friend Jeff Greco – on this journey he is my accountability partner and guest chef. We are planning to create each meal together, eat together and be accountable to each other Monday to Friday.

Yesterday I went shopping at my local Henry’s and I headed straight for the organic foods section.  I have to be honest with you I am NOT a salad eater at all, I consider it to be the garnish on the plate and not really the meal, so this is going to be challenging.  The Standard Process book and recipe section allow you to cook your food, but Jeff and I have made an obligation to do this raw!

Here are the pictures of the first days meals:

Day 1 Breakfast

Ingredients for the Dressing –

Day 1 – Lunch

Welcome to Day 1 of the Purification Program.

The most important thing to remember today is why you are going through this program.  Keep your mind focused on your goals and remember… it’s only 21 days!  Let’s get started!

How Should I Feel Today?

Usually, the first day is not too bad.  You should experience some minor cravings, but most people don’t really notice too much on the first day.  If you are a heavy coffee or soft drink user, you may begin to experience some withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine or sugar.  This is perfectly normal and should subside over the coming days.  If you experience a terrible caffeine headache, you may try brewing a little organic coffee and taking just a few sips, (Don’t overdo it here), and the headache will likely disappear.  You should find you only need to do this for 1-2 days maximum and then you should be off the coffee altogether.

Weight Loss

For those wanting to lose weight, you should notice a loss of about 1 pound per day during the first week or so.  Make sure to weigh yourself very first thing in the morning after urination for the greatest accuracy.  It is important to measure your waist as well by using a measuring “tape” right around your belly button.  Suck in your gut as far as you possibly can and get your measurement.  You will repeat this every week throughout the program.  The average ‘inches lost’ around the gut ranges from 1-5 inches during the 21-day program.

Remember to limit your intake of fruits.  Ideally, for weight loss, your fruit consumption should be almost zero and limited to only berries in your shake (if necessary).  To increase the power of your weight loss goals, choose only 3% and 6% vegetables.  For more details about what to eat during the program to optimize weight loss, please see the document “Diet with Focus on Weight Loss Support”.


During the next few days you may not feel up to much exercise, but as soon as you can begin some moderate exercise.  This is not the time to train for a marathon, but daily exercise with sweating is tremendous towards helping you lose weight!  An evening walk is a good place to start.  Once you gain more energy and strength start to lift some weights.


Remember to fill out your Daily Intake Journal in your Purification Booklet and note how you are feeling.  This is an important part of identifying what foods might possibly be making you feel bad.

Recipe of the Day

Tigger Tea


8 green tea bags
3 inches of ginger root juiced (more or less can be used to your taste)
Juice of 5 limes

Directions (Makes approximately ½ gallon):

1. Steep tea bags in 32 oz of boiling water for 15 minutes
2. In a 64 oz container, combine the steeped green tea and lime juice
3. Add water and adjust flavors to your taste
4. Pour over ice and sweeten with Stevia (if desired)

Keep focused and enjoy Day 1 of the program!

Supplement Regimen for Day 1


SP Complete 2 scoops twice per day minimum up to 5 shakes per day
SP Cleanse 7 capsules 3 times per day
Gastro-Fiber 3 capsules 3 times per day
Note: Your practitioner may recommend Colax or AF Betafood in place of Gastro-Fiber.


Protein: Whey Pro Complete (2 tablespoons twice daily)
Cravings: Gymnema – 1 tablet 3 times per day or 2 tablets twice per day
Omega-3: Tuna Omega-3 Oil – 2 perles 2 times per day

Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse – Day 0

Tomorrow I am starting the Standard Process 21 Day Cleanse. It is a whole food 21 day raw food cleanse that basically gets you eating raw and uncooked foods supplemented with 2-3 of their propriety shakes each day.

I revived this email from their support team and I will paste each days email for you to read and I will try post pictures of the foods that I am eating along with how I am feeling.  I am starting this cleanse at 203 pounds, and although not specifically designed for weight loss there is a weight management component that I am hoping to capitalize on.

Well Brad, tomorrow is your first day!  We are excited that you have chosen to embark on the 21-day purification program.  If this is your first time going through the program, you are in for a wonderful surprise.  At the end of the 21 days (in fact, long before that!) you should feel like a new person.  The common response from patients is “I haven’t felt this good in 20 years.”  If you have gone through the purification before you know that you will soon be feeling energized and ready to take on the world.

Our aim is to help you meet your health goals and achieve the highest degree of success possible over the next 3 weeks.  With that in mind, please read and apply the following suggestions in order to be more prepared.

1. Plan ahead. By planning ahead you can increase your success and avoid the frustration of feeling like “There’s nothing for me to eat”, particularly when you will be eating away from home.  For excellent tips refer to the Purification Program Handbook, p.17.  Spend a few moments here looking over the suggestions; you may be surprised at how helpful they are.
2. Be dedicated to all 21 Days! Yes, the first 2-3 days take some willpower (This is really the only somewhat difficult part of the program).  It is here that some cravings will present themselves.  Remember, they will pass quickly and eating frequently is key to knocking them out.  Almost everyone loses their cravings after the first few days and is amazed at the newfound control they experience.  For most of us it has taken years, if not decades, of bad eating habits and lifestyle choices to get us to where we are today.  Remember, it takes 21 days to form a new habit.  With that in mind, by the time you are done with this purification you will be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle!
3. FOLLOW THE PLAN! This purification program has been carefully planned so that your body gets the support it needs to complete each of its purification steps.  Following the plan is how you will achieve optimal results.  Also, the best weight loss is experienced when these steps are carefully followed in the sequence provided.  Do your best to not ‘take breaks’ or stray from the program!
4. Don’t forget to sweat, sweat, sweat. If you want to lose weight, we can’t overemphasize the importance of exercise and sweating.  This can be achieved through exercise, but can also be enhanced through the use of a sauna, steam room, etc.
5. Get plenty of sleep. Your body heals itself while you sleep.  Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night throughout the 3 weeks to allow your body plenty of time to rid itself of toxins.  Many, many patients have told us their sleep improved significantly over the 21 days.  If you are one who suffers from poor sleep you may be wonderfully surprised at how you start to sleep after day 7 or so.  We would love to hear your story as well!
6. Drink plenty of water. You should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.  This will serve to help your body flush out toxins as well as helping you to lose excess water-weight.  What water is best?  We prefer Spring Water, as it is water from the earth.  (More on that later)  That being said, the most important thing is that you just drink water! Even if all you have is city water, it is VERY important to drink water, and city water is better than nothing.

Patient Resources

Throughout the next 21 days, we will make available to you several downloadable patient resources.  All resources are PDFs which can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program available from  The first two resources are a Shopping List and Supplement Checklist.

Shopping List

To assist with shopping for the 21-Day Purification Program, we have assembled a basic shopping list.

Supplement Checklist

We have created a checklist that you can print out and use throughout each day to ensure you are staying on track with your shakes and supplements.

Each day you will receive an email with the following components:

How Should I Feel Today?

This will contain a brief overview of how most people feel on this day of the program.  Please remember that this is based on the ‘average’ response and that you may feel better or worse, depending on how your body is riding itself of toxins and healing past injuries and illnesses.  Don’t be alarmed if you don’t feel exactly the way described, as each person’s experience is unique.

Weight Loss

This section will contain specific advice and information with regards to weight loss.  If weight loss is one of your goals you are strongly encouraged to pay attention to this section.


This section will contain general reminders and tips.

Recipe of the Day

As it sounds, this will contain a ‘detox approved’ recipe for you to enjoy.

“Did You Know?”

Experience an “Aha!” moment by learning something new.

If you have questions about suggestions in this email or the purification program in general, we have an on-staff purification specialist available to assist you.Allison can assist with any questions you may have or general detoxification advice such as recipe suggestions.

Supplement Regimen for the Day

This will contain the most common supplements used during the purification program along with some suggested additions.  You should follow the supplement regimen provided, unless your health care professional advises you differently.

Get a good night’s rest as tomorrow the adventure begins!